
8 Steps to Buying a New Car - Edmunds.com

Production Company: T-Group Productions & Big Boots
Cut On: Final Cut Pro X – Graphics in After Effects


Online short-film commercial explaining how to use the edmunds.com car buying process.

This project was unique in that it required a lot of VFX style edits.  I had to piece together a lot of shots to create the warp effect, sometimes creating masks and rotoscoping so that objects did not shift in frame.  One day they had a different colored car so I had to shift the color from blue to red so that it matched shots early in the edit.

Another dilemma that we faced was how best to show the on-screen UI for when the character was on the phone.  Because of my experience in After Effects and motion tracking I was able to create the on-screen pop-ups for this video that helped avoid doing screen replacements and kept the flow of the commercial running smoothly. 

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A portion of all proceeds in December 2024 will be donated to charity.