Knowing when to rewrite a character in your screenplay can be difficult. If you can identify when characters need a rewrite you will quickly speed up your process and make your screenplay far more interesting.

Identifying Problem Characters

After my initial vomit draft I inevitably have a lot of work that needs to be done so that the script is presentable. One thing that I frequently fall trap to is writing passive characters. This is probably because it is much easier to write passive than it is to write active just like it is easier to sit on a couch and be passive than it is to stand up and be active.

"Passive = Boring"

The next step is figuring out how to identify if a character is passive or not. In theory, this shouldn’t be a difficult task, but if this idea is brand new to you it might be a little more difficult. An easy way to find passive characters is as simple as looking to see if they are doing anything or just watching things happen.

After you have found your passive characters that you want to make more interesting you need to start working on ways to improve those characters.

These is by far not an exhaustive list but this is one way that I go about making my passive characters active.

Creating Backstory

Giving your character a unique voice not only makes them more interesting but can also give you ways in which to make those characters active. By having a backstory you know better how they may respond in situations you present them or even how they might instigate the drama to move forward, be the force of action.

One of my favorite things to do is to make lists. This is not a to-do list or shopping list of items to check off, but this is a list that is designed to stretch your creative muscle. My lists is really just a document the tracks my brainstorming session and pushing me to think beyond the obvious and come up with something that is unique.

In my script I am attempting to make a dead body go from passive to active in the story, especially because the character is pivotal to the story narrative.

One thing I decided to work on was to give this character, we’ll call him Buddy, a back story and I did that by focusing on what his occupation might have been.

The character brainstorm.

My Listed Ideas for Buddy’s Occupation:

      • Buddy’s job was a gardener.
      • Buddy’s job was a store clerk.
      • Buddy’s job was a barista.
      • Buddy’s job was a fisherman.
      • Buddy’s job was a part boy.
      • Buddy’s job was an errand boy.
      • Buddy’s job was a waiter.
      • Buddy’s job was a house maid.
      • Buddy’s job was a repair man.
      • Buddy’s job was a mechanic.
      • Buddy’s job was a geek squad repair man.
      • Buddy’s job was a mattress salesman.
      • Buddy’s job was an accountant.
      • Buddy’s job was in data entry.
      • Buddy’s job was a graphic designer.
      • Buddy’s job was a computer programmer.
      • Buddy’s job was a vacuum salesman.
      • Buddy’s job was a garbage man.
      • Buddy’s job was a lab tech.
      • Buddy’s job was a paperboy.
      • Buddy’s job was an uber driver.
      • etc.

Besides coming up with an occupation to help build your character’s backstory you can answer a lot of other questions to help you develop characters that are interesting.

A few other suggestions for things you can brainstorm are:

      • Character Goals
      • What’s at stake
      • What is keeping the character from their goal (escalations)
      • Hobbies
      • Favorite Books
      • Favorite Foods

Quick Tips & Resources

This is by no means the end all list of how to identify what characters in your screenplay need a rewrite but hopefully it helps to get you started in the right direction.

As you develop these ideas, start creating a list of questions that work for you and help you in your development process. I have my list that I use when I am attempting to make my characters active and interesting.

To help you get started you can download my Character Question Sheet and then start adding to your own questions to ask when developing your characters.


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